Board Games

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Lords of Karma Microcomputer Game Cassette - CJ016

Rules, cassette, and box.
$45.00 excl tax

Magic Realm Sealed, NiB, UNPUNCHED - CJ019

New in Box, UNPUNCHED, never played.
$600.00 excl tax

Magic Realm Used Board Game - KL027/KL028

I think these games are first edition, not sure so selling them together.
$500.00 excl tax

Midway with Coral Sea Used Board Game - KL031

This game's box cover corners are broken and taped back together, it appears complete. The boards are in good shape but old and brittle. The Coral Sea variant is unpunched, the ship counters were removed from the frame but not broken out. Original Coral Sea variant rules included.
$60.00 excl tax

North Atlantic Convoy Raider Microcomputer Game Cassette- CJ013

Rules say North Atlantic Convoy Raider II but not the cassette or box.
$20.00 excl tax

Siege of Jerusalem UNPUNCHED Board Game - CJ021

This game is in excellent condition, with some shelf wear on the box.
$135.00 excl tax

Siege of Jerusalem UNPUNCHED Board Game - KL021

This game is in excellent condition, with some shelf wear on the box.
$135.00 excl tax

Stalingrad Used Board Game - KL032

This is a well played game, it appears complete.
$20.00 excl tax