My very first wargame I ever owned was Avalon hills Panzer Blitz. I bought it when I was about 12 or 13 yrs old and since then I have not been able to shake this game. I'm in my early 60s now and still love it. I've made my own counters tons of them mostly from IM STRAT. but these are the best I've ever seen, made from the best material out there (plastic not matte board) with fantastic print graphics and the maps,,, well lets just say to use a phrase from my day "" there BOSS "" . Now i've made my own counters and maps like I said before but there all mounted on matte board and I have to be very careful with them. There stored and sealed in a giant tote in my basement, but these counters are made tough and very durable unlike any other counters out there, which they should be that would justify the prices on some of these games out there. But I digress, I've been wargaming for 48 yrs, I have over 100 military type board games in my bookshelves in my hobby room along with a large number of painted miniatures armies stored under my 8x6 gaming table, I also retired 26 yrs from the US Army/Marine Infantry. So I kinda know what I'm saying here, these counters are the best I've seen bar none and they are a great item to have to bring new life to older games. Have fun !!!! watch everybody at the hobby store ask "were did you get these counters" and play something you haven't played in years.